September 17, 2019

Insurer That Relied On Flawed Decision Tree Analysis Hit With $7.2M Judgment For Rejecting Settlement Offers After Failed Mediation

Josh Fruchter
The dynamic present in personal injury mediations is fairly straightforward. The defendant’s insurer (or the defendant, if self-insured) will estimate the risk of a jury verdict for the plaintiff on liability, and discount the likely damages by that risk to determine a reasonable settlement range. On the other side of..
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July 2, 2019

Using a High Low Agreement to Counter Confirmation Bias in an Insurance Mediation

David Albalah
My colleague Josh recently blogged about strategies for handling confirmation bias in mediations. He mentioned I had used a high low agreement to successfully address confirmation bias in an insurance-related mediation. I’ll discuss that case in this post. A start-up title insurance agency (funded by a prominent private equity firm),..
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May 24, 2019

New Federal Court Decision Illustrates the Use of High-Low Agreements in Mediation

Josh Fruchter
The use of high-low agreements is a familiar mediation technique. In a nutshell, a high-low agreement represents a “partial” settlement of a dispute under which the parties to a mediation agree to a minimum recovery for the plaintiff, and a maximum payout by the defendant, and then proceed towards final..
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